Thursday, December 2, 2010

Church Craft

Well I had the craft night with the ladies from the church group last night. I was shaking I was so nervous. But all the ladies seemed to have a good time, I got a lot of thank yous and invites to come back again. I even got applause as I was leaving. I had my good friend come with me for assistance and support, she done an excellent job, she is used to the whole teaching thing, she was an assistant preschool teacher last year, so she had some experience.
This is what I taught the ladies how to make, I found it on a website and for the life of me I can not remember which one. I will update with the site if I can find it again.
Here it is :

What do you all think?? I wanted something fairly simple, but not too childish, and inexpensive too. I think I succeeded.

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