Friday, July 20, 2007

Can computers fly??

Ever since the reformatting of this thing, it has not worked right at all. I think I would rather put up with the slowness instead of this crap of msn not working, damn pop ups that I can not seem to get rid of, and the freezing up whenever I am trying to do something with the damn thing. Urgh.
Well we are back from our very short vaca, R was told he didn't need the training they had planned for Thursday, so we came home on Wednesday evening. All that driving for basically nothing. I did get to do a little shopping at least. We did go to a nice restaurant though, first time since T was like 3 months old. That was short lived though, T isn't used to having to just sit and wait so by the time our food came he was pitching a fit, this place was a kid friendly place so he wasn't the only one crying and stuff, but it got to R so much that he asked if we could doggy bag our food to go. Which was a mistake, cause by the time we got back to the motel, I had no interest in fighting with my steak with a plastic fork. What a waste of money and I was enjoying it very much. First meal we had out that wasn't take out/ fast food.
The weather has been crap ever since we got home, rain rain and more rain. Urgh.


Anonymous said...

Urg?! Doesn't sound like much fun! I'll tell you something live learned with my soon as they're old enough to take a GameBoy with them to a restaurant, it becomes a lot easier to enjoy the "wait time" for a meal. It's like magic.


Unknown said...

Hmmmm wonder what will keep a 2 year old busy? Not that we have to worry, cause by the time we go back to a restaurant like that he will probably be old enough to have a game boy. LOL